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No. Name FideID FED RtgI RtgN Club/City 1 CM Tran Thanh Tu 12401404 JPN 2372 2557 2 IM Nanjo Ryosuke 7000634 JPN 2310 2472 3 FM Yamada Kohei 7000936 JPN 2204 2278 4 FM Jones Stephen 2000970 USA 2202 2074 5 CM Averbukh Alex 2028255 JPN 2111 2281 6 Matsumura Cocoro 36087114 JPN 2033 1883 7 Nagataki Kota 7003544 JPN 2001 1971 8 Yonemitsu Kohei 7005318 JPN 1998 1611 9 Nguyen Tuan Anh 12432288 VIE 1987 1811 10 Furuya Masahiro 7001606 JPN 1978 2003
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